Claim Capital x UKPA Online Workshop Roundup 

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On Wednesday 25th May, Claim Capital and Jump Accounting hosted two online workshops for UKPA members, sharing actionable tools to help PropTech businesses grow and scale. 

Thank you to everyone that attended! Just in case you missed this event, we wanted to share a roundup of the main takeaways, so that you can implement their tips for optimising the cashflow of your PropTech business. 

Boost your cashflow through R&D Tax Credits 

Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credits were introduced by the UK government in 2000 to encourage and support innovation. They make up one of the most generous tax relief schemes in the country, allowing businesses to reclaim up to 33% of qualifying R&D expenditure. 

Both profitable and loss-making businesses are able to make R&D Tax Credit claims, year after year. If you’re conducting research and develop to introduce a new product, process, or service, and your business has incurred eligible R&D spending – you can claim R&D Tax Relief. 

It’s really that simple! 

Despite the inclusive nature of the scheme, 90% of eligible businesses are not yet claiming, which is something Claim Capital want to change. 

So, how can a Specialist R&D Tax Advisor such as Claim Capital help your PropTech business take advantage of R&D Tax Credits? 

Our team of R&D Tax Specialists have over 25 years of experience in completing HMRC-compliant R&D claims on behalf of UK startups and SMEs – many of which being PropTech businesses and fellow UKPA members. 

Moreover, our expertise across PropTech research and development helps our team identify niche areas of claimable spending that others miss – allowing us to maximise the return of R&D claims for our clients. 

Following the success of this workshop, Managing Director of Claim Capital, Max Raynor, is offering all UKPA members a free, no-obligation R&D claim consultation. Click here to get booked in! 


Attract and maximise Pre-Seed & Seed investment 

This online workshop also introduced UKPA members to Claim Capital’s accounting business, Jump Accounting. Jump Accounting is a growth-focused accounting firm designed to help startups and SMEs achieve their growth potential. 

Jump Accounting’s Business Development Director, Matt Dangell, led attendees through various effective accounting tools that can be used to elevate your PropTech! 

PropTech founders often come to the realisation that internal investment isn’t always enough to advance their R&D to the desired level. 

Many businesses see accounting as menial bookkeeping activity. But did you know there are certain accounting strategies that can make your PropTech more ‘investable’, and maximise your chances of securing funding? 

Let’s run through two of the main accounting tools covered in our workshop: 


SEIS & EIS Advance Assurance 

Securing SEIS or EIS Advance Assurance opens your PropTech up to a wider, more motivated pool of investors. 

Under SEIS and EIS funding, an investor injecting capital into your business will be financially rewarded with a substantial tax break. 

Under the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS), businesses can raise up to £150,000 and offer investors a significant 50% income tax deduction (with further tax breaks after three years). 

For more established businesses, the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) facilitates a fundraise of up to £12 million whilst offering investors a 30% income tax deduction (with further tax breaks after three years). 

To become eligible for these funding schemes, investors need proof that your company is eligible. This ‘proof’ is also known as Advance Assurance, and expert accountants can apply for it on your behalf! 

Jump Accounting is well-versed in obtaining SEIS and EIS Advance Assurance from HMRC, and in doing so, enabling PropTech businesses to turn the heads of investors.  


Business Valuations 

A business valuation is a general process of determining the economic value of a whole business or company unit. Valuations are required at many stages of the business lifecycle, particularly in phases of growth. 

Determining the value of your PropTech can give you the confidence you need to plan for the future and map out your growth roadmap! 

Looking to fundraise successfully? Potential investors will want to be presented with an up-to-date business valuation. 

Is your PropTech company being acquired? Or are you looking to acquire a company? Valuations are a key requisite of the process. 

Does your business have a shareholder, founder or co-founder that wishes to exit? Yes, you guessed it – a valuation is necessary there too. This time, for the purpose of determining the value of their respective shares. 

Jump Accounting’s team of Chartered Accountants use various gold-standard valuation methods to provide businesses with professional valuations backed by financial reports in comprehensive detail.  

Whilst ensuring your everyday bookkeeping is taken care of to the highest standard, Jump Accounting goes above-and-beyond your traditional accountant by providing an expert business advisory service and additional accounting methods (such as the ones covered here) to help scale your PropTech at every opportunity. 

Claim Capital and its accounting business, Jump Accounting, work hand-in-hand to help mitigate the challenges that UK businesses face as they progress along their growth trajectory.  

If you’d like to learn more about R&D Tax Credits, or ensure that your getting as much out of the scheme as you could be, don’t forget to schedule your free claim consultation with Max 

Or if your PropTech business could benefit from accounting services that go above-and-beyond your average bookkeeping, reach out to Matt at Jump Accounting. 








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